Tuesday, August 11, 2015

VB Message

This is a message for all Midland Volleyball Players and Parents! Please read. 

The following information is intended to help our season start smoothly and hopefully will answer some basic questions:
*All Players please have your physicals and sports athletic registration completed before the first practice….you will not be allowed to participate in any practice without the completion of these requested materials.  Please remember these items are good for one year only.
*First official day of practice will be Wednesday August 12th at the High School Gym.  Times are 9-11, then 1 hour break for lunch, then 12-2.  I would suggest bringing a sack lunch during the hour break.  We will do this same schedule the 13th. On the 14th practice will be from 3:30pm - 6:30pm, the 15th is Saturday and that will be decided after coach’s discuss the previous three days.
*Green and White night scrimmage will be Friday August 21st (I think ?).  The Freshman/Sophomores will start their scrimmage at 6pm. Varsity will follow.
*Practices this year will be everyday through the week except Saturday and Sunday.  We do not intend on practicing on Saturdays, but we reserve the right to have them if we see that it is necessary.
*The Freshman/Sophomores will practice from 3:30-5:30 and are responsible for setting up both courts (the Varsity will take down both courts). There may be a Freshman or Sophomore who is asked to stay and practice with the Varsity until they are finished.  
*Varsity will practice from 4:00-6:30.
*All setters will run drills and technique work from 3:15-4:00 and will not set up or take down nets.
*Once we see how long the heat schedule will run we will adjust times accordingly.  The time frame will be the same.  Practice will begin when school is out and we may have to alter it if the gym gets too hot.
*We will not have a specific team shoe, players are encouraged to pick a brand of shoe and knee pads they like.  I prefer black for both of these items but it is not mandatory.  Also players should have their own black spandex, I prefer Mizuno  or Nike but it is not mandatory.  
*There will also be a Midland Volleyball T-shirt, Sweatshirt, and Sweatpants that the seniors are designing.  This is something I always let the senior’s design and is not mandatory for players to buy everything.  It would be nice if all players could at least buy the t-shirt so we can wear them to games.  Parents, friends, and family members may buy any of these items if they so desire at the time of the order.  
*We are pleased to welcome Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach Leah Ramseyer.
*We are also glad to welcome back Dylan Herridge again as a student helper.
Hopefully this will help with the upcoming season.  I am looking forward to having another great season working with our Midland student athletes.

“Its amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit” John Wooden