Friday, August 28, 2015

Midland Invitational

The Midland Invitational is here!! All action will be updated on our Twitter feed @AthCusd7 all day long!

Tournament Pool
Midland MS Pool
Midland HS Pool
Paw Paw
Peoria Christian
Ashton - Franklin Center

Tournament Schedule

Midland MS Schedule
Midland HS Schedule
8AM - Brimfield vs. Henry
8AM - Midland vs. Paw Paw
9AM - Peoria Christian vs. Peoria
9AM - Ashton - Franklin Center vs. Delavan
10AM - Brimfield vs. Peoria
10AM - Midland vs. Ashton - Franklin Center
11AM - Peoria Christian vs. Henry
11AM - Paw Paw vs. Delavan
12PM - Brimfield vs. Peoria Christian
12PM - Midland vs. Delavan
1PM - Henry vs. Peoria
1PM - Paw Paw vs. Ashton Franklin Center
2:45PM - 7/8 Game - 4th place MHS Pool vs 4th place MMS Pool
2:45PM - 3/4 Game - 2nd Place MHS Pool vs. 2nd Place MMS Pool
3:45PM - 5/6 Game - 3rd Place MHS Pool vs. 3rd Place MMS Pool
3:45PM - Championship Game - 1st Place MHS Pool vs. 1st Place MMS Pool