Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bass Fishing 1st Place!

Midland BASS Takes 1ST Place at B.A.S.S. High School Divisional Tournament

Our MIDLAND BASS TEAM took 1ST PLACE in the new B.A.S.S. HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION for 2015 which will qualify the team of DYLAN HERRIDGE AND LOGAN WUNDER for next years B.A.S.S. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. They had 5 fish that weighed in at 11.34 lbs, second place had 9.20 lbs. High schools from all over the state competed on CLINTON LAKE on June 27 with high muddy water and a ton of boat traffic due to the only day we have had sun and not rain this month. Our team started off fast with LOGAN catching a 2 pounder on his second cast and then another 3 pounder shortly after, DYLAN then caught a 3 pounder next with 2 more shortly after hitting the livewell. Finishing off the day, LOGAN caught the last fish letting us cull one shorter fish. This tournament was 6 hours long and our team was definitely ready for the challenge.  The B.A.S.S  HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION runs 7 tournaments, 4 this year with this one being first and 3 in spring, sending the top 5 teams from each event to the state tournament next year.

Dylan Herridge , Logan Wunder 1st place Plaques